Tuesday, February 15, 2005

When my kids were little I gave them a "sitandspin". Nowadays when someone spins they usually mean a form of exercise having something to do with a contraption that looks like a bike going nowhere. This is my favorite place to sit and spin. Times change - or maybe they are reverting back to the "olden days". It is strangely comforting to realize that my great great grandmothers probably spun their own wool, and their mothers before them and their mothers before them. Wish I could get a sheep or two now but no "farm animals" allowed in our subdivision. My daughter says tell the neighbors it's one of those fancy new dog breeds. Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Look at the beautiful color and luster in this wool. It has such a nice feel to it, too. I'm not sure what to make with it. I have one more skein of this to ply. Not enough for an adult sweater but maybe a shawl or a scarf and mittens.  Posted by Hello

This was the beautiful romney-mohair mix that I bought off ebay from cm wools. They have such beautiful fibers. It looks so pretty sitting there on my mazurka. Posted by Hello

I was trying to take a picture of my beautiful romney-mohair mix when MacGyver decided to claim it as his own.  Posted by Hello

Romney-Mohair mix

Here is the newest yarn I have been working on. It is SO pretty. I'm sure the raw materials have a lot to do with how this turned out. This Romney-Mohair mix came from cmwools in Oregon. It was beautifully colored, soft and has lots of luster. I have to buy more as I just finished this bump. Every skein looks better than the one before. I think I am getting the hang of this. Sure wish there was a spinning guild around here. I think the closest one is about one and a half hours away in Texas. It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days so I guess I will be getting more spinning done. I bought a couple of rose "trees" to plant. I will have to take pictures of those as soon as I get them planted. I didn't plant a garden last year (our first summer in this house) because I was too busy with other things and when you can look out and count 20 squirrels in your yard at one time (I know - I have too many bird feeders) I figured the garden would be for them. Hmmm, wonder what I can plant that squirrels won't like. Maybe I need to get a dog.