Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hazardous Waste Recycling

One day per year our city has a hazardous waste pickup at the Fairgrounds. It was today from 8am - 12pm. I'm pretty sure they stayed later than noon. I was in line to drop things some things off at 10:45 and didn't get to the front of the line until 11:55. Wow, it was encouraging to see all those people recycling but I couldn't help but wonder how much gas was used sitting in that line. The line was as far as I could see and was two cars wide. I got rid of batteries, fluorescent light bulbs and an old computer monitor. I wish I had brought my camera. One person was doing a survey to see if I recycle. Well, duh. As I left, I went past the point where I had gotten in line and that line was still double-wide and as long as it was when I started. I hope they all got in.

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